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BIGNASim: a NoSQL database structure and analysis portal for nucleic acids simulation data., Hospital, Adam, Andrio Pau, Cugnasco Cesare, Codó Laia, Becerra Yolanda, Dans Pablo D., Battistini Federica, Torres Jordi, Goni Ramon, Orozco Modesto, et al. , Nucleic Acids Res, 2016 Jan 4, Volume 44, Issue D1, p.D272-8, (2016)
Surviving the deluge of biosimulation data, Hospital, Adam, Battistini Federica, Soliva Robert, Gelpí Josep Lluis, and Orozco Modesto , Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: WIREs Comput Mol Sci, 11/2019, Volume n/a, Issue n/a, p.e1449, (2019)
Epigenomic analysis detects aberrant super-enhancer DNA methylation in human cancer, Heyn, Holger, Vidal Enrique, Ferreira Humberto J., Vizoso Miguel, Sayols Sergi, Gomez Antonio, Moran Sebastian, Boque-Sastre Raquel, Guil Sonia, Martinez-Cardus Anna, et al. , Genome Biology, 01/2016, Volume 17, p.11, (2016)
Deficient Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondrial Phosphatidylserine Transfer Causes Liver Disease, Hernández-Alvarez, María Isabel, Sebastián David, Vives Sara, Ivanova Saška, Bartoccioni Paola, Kakimoto Pamela, Plana Natalia, Veiga Sónia R., Hernández Vanessa, Vasconcelos Nuno, et al. , Cell, 05/2019, Volume 177, Issue 4, p.881 - 895.e17, (2019)
Misincorporation of 2'-deoxyoxanosine into DNA: a molecular basis for NO-induced mutagenesis derived from theoretical calculations, Hernández, Begoña, Soliva Robert, F. Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, p.4873-4883, (2000)
Cooperativity in Drug-DNA Recognition: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Harris, Sarah A., Gavathiotis Evripidis, Searle Mark S., Orozco Modesto, and Laughton Charles A. , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2001/12/01, Volume 123, Issue 50, p.12658 - 12663, (2001)
Seven-Membered Ring Nucleoside Analogues: Stereoselective Synthesis and Studies on Their Conformational Properties, Habibian, Maryam, Martínez-Montero Saúl, Portella Guillem, Chua Zhijie, D. Bohle Scott, Orozco Modesto, and Damha Masad J. , Organic Letters, 11/2015, Volume 17, Issue 21, p.5416 - 5419, (2015)
8-Amino guanine accelerates tetramolecular G-quadruplex formation., Gros, Julien, Aviñó Anna, de la Osa Jaime Lopez, González Carlos, Lacroix Laurent, Pérez Alberto, Orozco Modesto, Eritja Ramon, and Mergny Jean-Louis , Chem Commun (Camb), 2008 Jul 7, p.2926-8, (2008)
The catalytic site structural gate of adenosine deaminase allosterically modulates ligand binding to adenosine receptors., Gracia, Eduard, Farré Daniel, Cortés Antoni, Ferrer-Costa Carles, Orozco Modesto, Mallol Josefa, Lluís Carme, Canela Enric I., McCormick Peter J., Franco Rafael, et al. , FASEB J, 2013 Mar, Volume 27, p.1048-61, (2013)
Molecular stripping underpins derepression of a toxin–antitoxin system, Grabe, Grzegorz J., Giorgio Rachel T., Wieczór Miłosz, Gollan Bridget, Sargen Molly, Orozco Modesto, Hare Stephen A., and Helaine Sophie , Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2024/03/27, (2024)
Characterization of p38α autophosphorylation inhibitors that target the non-canonical activation pathway, González, Lorena, Díaz Lucía, Pous Joan, Baginski Blazej, Duran-Corbera Anna, Scarpa Margherita, Brun-Heath Isabelle, Igea Ana, Martin-Malpartida Pau, Ruiz Lidia, et al. , Nature Communications, 06/2023, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.3318, (2023)
DNAlive: a tool for the physical analysis of DNA at the genomic scale., J Goñi, Ramon, Fenollosa Carlos, Pérez Alberto, Torrents David, and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2008 Aug 1, Volume 24, p.1731-2, (2008)
Exploring the reasons for the large density of triplex-forming oligonucleotide target sequences in the human regulatory regions., J Goñi, Ramon, Vaquerizas Juan Manuel, Dopazo Joaquin, and Orozco Modesto , BMC Genomics, 2006, Volume 7, p.63, (2006)
Determining promoter location based on DNA structure first-principles calculations., J Goñi, Ramon, Pérez Alberto, Torrents David, and Orozco Modesto , Genome Biol, 2007, Volume 8, p.R263, (2007)
The Yottaflop Frontier of Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations, J Goñi, Ramon, and Orozco Modesto , Theoretical and Quantum Chemistry at the Dawn of the 21st Century, p.597-616, (2018)
Triplex-forming oligonucleotide target sequences in the human genome., J Goñi, Ramon, de la Cruz Xavier, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Res, 2004, Volume 32, p.354-60, (2004)
Effect of bulky lesions on DNA: solution structure of a DNA duplex containing a cholesterol adduct., Gómez-Pinto, Irene, Cubero Elena, Kalko Susana G., Monaco Vania, van der Marel Gijs, van Boom Jacques H., Orozco Modesto, and González Carlos , J Biol Chem, 2004 Jun 4, Volume 279, p.24552-60, (2004)
Substrate-assisted and nucleophilically assisted catalysis in bovine α1,3-galactosyltransferase. Mechanistic implications for retaining glycosyltransferases., Gómez, Hansel, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , J Am Chem Soc, 2013 May 8, Volume 135, p.7053-63, (2013)
Effect of zinc and calcium ions on the rat kidney membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV., Gómez, Hansel, Chappé Mae, Valiente Pedro A., Pons Tirso, Chávez María de Los Ang, Charli Jean-Louis, and Pascual Isel , J Biosci, 2013 Sep, Volume 38, p.461-9, (2013)
Retaining glycosyltransferase mechanism studied by QM/MM methods: lipopolysaccharyl-α-1,4-galactosyltransferase C transfers α-galactose via an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state., Gómez, Hansel, Polyak Iakov, Thiel Walter, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , J Am Chem Soc, 2012 Mar 14, Volume 134, p.4743-52, (2012)
Chapter 7 Molecular Modelling of Nucleic Acids, Gómez, Hansel, Walther Jurgen, Darré Leonardo, Ivani Ivan, Dans Pablo D., and Orozco Modesto , Computational Tools for Chemical Biology, p.165 - 197, (2017)
Essential role of glutamate 317 in galactosyl transfer by α3GalT: a computational study., Gómez, Hansel, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , Carbohydr Res, 2012 Jul 15, Volume 356, p.204-8, (2012)
QM/MM Studies Reveal How Substrate–Substrate and Enzyme–Substrate Interactions Modulate Retaining Glycosyltransferases Catalysis and Mechanism, Gómez, Hansel, Mendoza Fernanda, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, Volume 100, p.-, (2015)
A computational and experimental study of O-glycosylation. Catalysis by human UDP-GalNAc polypeptide:GalNAc transferase-T2., Gómez, Hansel, Rojas Raúl, Patel Divya, Tabak Lawrence A., Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , Org Biomol Chem, 2014 May 7, Volume 12, p.2645-55, (2014)
QM/MM Studies Reveal How Substrate–Substrate and Enzyme–Substrate Interactions Modulate Retaining Glycosyltransferases Catalysis and Mechanism, Gómez, Hansel, Mendoza Fernanda, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, p.-, (2015)
The structural role of SARS-CoV-2 genetic background in the emergence and success of spike mutations: The case of the spike A222V mutation, Ginex, Tiziana, Marco-Marín Clara, Wieczór Miłosz, Mata Carlos P., Krieger James, Ruiz-Rodriguez Paula, López-Redondo Maria Luisa, Francés-Gómez Clara, Melero Roberto, Sánchez-Sorzano Carlos Óscar, et al. , PLOS Pathogens, 07/2022, Volume 18, Issue 7, p.e1010631 - , (2022)
Inntags: small self-structured epitopes for innocuous protein tagging., Georgieva, Maya V., Yahya Galal, Codó Laia, Ortiz Raúl, Teixidó Laura, Claros José, Jara Ricardo, Jara Mònica, Iborra Antoni, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, et al. , Nat Methods, 2015 Oct, Volume 12, p.955-8, (2015)
Nucleic acids in modern molecular therapies: A realm of opportunities for strategic drug design, Genna, Vito, Reyes-Fraile Laura, Iglesias-Fernández Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 08/2024, Volume 87, p.102838, (2024)
Controlled sulfur-based engineering confers mouldability to phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotides, Genna, Vito, Iglesias-Fernández Javier, Reyes-Fraile Laura, Villegas Núria, Guckian Kevin, Seth Punit, Wan Brad, Cabrero Cristina, Terrazas Montserrat, Brun-Heath Isabelle, et al. , Nucleic Acids Research, 06/2023, Volume 51, Issue 10, p.4713 - 4725, (2023)
Classical molecular interaction potentials: improved setup procedure in molecular dynamics simulations of proteins., Gelpí, Josep-Lluis, Kalko S G., Barril X, Cirera J, de La Cruz X, Luque F J., and Orozco Modesto , Proteins, 2001 Dec 1, Volume 45, p.428-37, (2001)
Targeting RNA structure in SMN2 reverses spinal muscular atrophy molecular phenotypes, Garcia-Lopez, Amparo, Tessaro Francesca, Jonker Hendrik R. A., Wacker Anna, Richter Christian, Comte Arnaud, Berntenis Nikolaos, Schmucki Roland, Hatje Klas, Petermann Olivier, et al. , Nature Communication, 2018/05/23, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.2032, (2018)
Defining the nature of thermal intermediate in 3 state folding proteins: apoflavodoxin, a study case., García-Fandiño, Rebeca, Bernadó Pau, Ayuso-Tejedor Sara, Sancho Javier, and Orozco Modesto , PLoS Comput Biol, 2012, Volume 8, p.e1002647, (2012)
Theoretical characterization of the dynamical behavior and transport properties of alpha,gamma-peptide nanotubes in solution., García-Fandiño, Rebeca, Granja Juan R., D’Abramo Marco, and Orozco Modesto , J Am Chem Soc, 2009 Nov 4, Volume 131, p.15678-86, (2009)
Efficient siRNA-peptide conjugation for specific targeted delivery into tumor cells, Gandioso, Albert, Massaguer Anna, Villegas Núria, Salvans Cándida, Sanchez Dani, Brun-Heath Isabelle, Marchan Vicente, Orozco Modesto, and Terrazas Montserrat , Chemical Communications, 03/2017, Volume 53, Issue 19, p.2870 - 2873, (2017)
VeriNA3d: an R package for nucleic acids data mining, Gallego, Diego, Darré Leonardo, Dans Pablo D., and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 07/2019, (2019)
Ligand-induced changes in the binding sites of proteins., Fradera, Xavier, de la Cruz Xavier, Silva Carlos H. T. P., Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Luque F J., and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2002 Jul, Volume 18, p.939-48, (2002)
Molecular dynamics study of 2rotaxanes: influence of solvation and cation on co-conformation., Fradera, Xavier, Márquez Manuel, Smith Bradley D., Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Org Chem, 2003 Jun 13, Volume 68, p.4663-73, (2003)
Extension of the MST continuum solvation model to the RM1 semiempirical Hamiltonian., Forti, Flavio, Barril Xavier, F Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , J Comput Chem, 2008 Mar, Volume 29, p.578-87, (2008)
The structure of human 4F2hc ectodomain provides a model for homodimerization and electrostatic interaction with plasma membrane., Fort, Joana, de la Ballina Laura R., Burghardt Hans E., Ferrer-Costa Carles, Turnay Javier, Ferrer-Orta Cristina, Usón Isabel, Zorzano Antonio, Fernandez-Recio Juan, Orozco Modesto, et al. , J Biol Chem, 2007 Oct 26, Volume 282, p.31444-52, (2007)
nucleR: a package for non-parametric nucleosome positioning., Flores, Oscar, and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2011 Aug 1, Volume 27, p.2149-50, (2011)
Fuzziness and noise in nucleosomal architecture., Flores, Oscar, Deniz Ozgen, Soler-López Montserrat, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Res, 2014 Apr, Volume 42, p.4934-46, (2014)
DASiR: Distributed Annotation System in R, Flores, Oscar, and Mantsoki Anna , (2013)
Characterization of compensated mutations in terms of structural and physico-chemical properties., Ferrer-Costa, Carles, Orozco Modesto, and de la Cruz Xavier , J Mol Biol, 2007 Jan 5, Volume 365, p.249-56, (2007)
Use of bioinformatics tools for the annotation of disease-associated mutations in animal models., Ferrer-Costa, Carles, Orozco Modesto, and de la Cruz Xavier , Proteins, 2005 Dec 1, Volume 61, p.878-87, (2005)
PMUT: a web-based tool for the annotation of pathological mutations on proteins., Ferrer-Costa, Carles, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Zamakola Leire, Párraga Iván, de la Cruz Xavier, and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2005 Jul 15, Volume 21, p.3176-8, (2005)
Characterization of disease-associated single amino acid polymorphisms in terms of sequence and structure properties., Ferrer-Costa, Carles, Orozco Modesto, and de la Cruz Xavier , J Mol Biol, 2002 Jan 25, Volume 315, p.771-86, (2002)
Plasticity in oligomerization, operator architecture, and DNA binding in the mode of action of a bacterial B12-based photoreceptor, Fernández-Zapata, Jesús, Pérez-Castaño Ricardo, Aranda Juan, Colizzi Francesco, Polanco María Carmen, Orozco Modesto, Padmanabhan S., and Elías-Arnanz Montserrat , Journal of Biological Chemistry, 11/2018, Volume 293, Issue 46, p.17888 - 17905, (2018)
Correlated motions are a fundamental property of B-sheets, R. Fenwick, Bryn, Orellana Laura, Esteban-Martí-n Santi, Orozco Modesto, and Salvatella Xavier , Nat Commun, 10/2014, Volume 5, (2014)
SEABED: Small molEcule activity scanner weB servicE baseD., Fenollosa, Carlos, Otón Marcel, Andrio Pau, Cortés Jorge, Orozco Modesto, and J Goñi Ramon , Bioinformatics, 2015 Mar 1, Volume 31, p.773-5, (2015)
The DNA-forming properties of 6-selenoguanine, Faustino, Ignacio, Curutchet Carles, F Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Volume 16, p.1101-1110, (2014)
