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Exploring the suitability of coarse-grained techniques for the representation of protein dynamics.,
, Biophys J, 2008 Sep, Volume 95, p.2127-38, (2008)
Exploring the counterion atmosphere around DNA: what can be learned from molecular dynamics simulations?,
, Biophys J, 2004 Aug, Volume 87, p.800-11, (2004)
Exploring early stages of the chemical unfolding of proteins at the proteome scale.,
, PLoS Computational Biology, 2013/00/01, Volume 9, p.e1003393, (2013)
Essential Dynamics: A Tool for Efficient Trajectory Compression and Management,
, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2006/03/01, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.251 - 258, (2006)