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Risk variants for psoriasis vulgaris in a large case-control collection and association with clinical subphenotypes., Julià, Antonio, Tortosa Raül, Hernanz José Manuel, Cañete Juan D., Fonseca Eduardo, Ferrándiz Carlos, Unamuno Pablo, Puig Lluís, Fernández-Sueiro José Luís, Sanmartí Raimon, et al. , Hum Mol Genet, 2012 Oct 15, Volume 21, p.4549-57, (2012)
Risk variants for psoriasis vulgaris in a large case-control collection and association with clinical subphenotypes., Julià, Antonio, Tortosa Raül, Hernanz José Manuel, Cañete Juan D., Fonseca Eduardo, Ferrándiz Carlos, Unamuno Pablo, Puig Lluís, Fernández-Sueiro José Luís, Sanmartí Raimon, et al. , Hum Mol Genet, 2012 Oct 15, Volume 21, p.4549-57, (2012)
Residues Coevolution Guides the Systematic Identification of Alternative Functional Conformations in Proteins, Sfriso, Pedro, Duran-Frigola Miquel, Mosca Roberto, Emperador Agustí, Aloy Patrick, and Orozco Modesto , Structure, Volume 24, p.116 - 126, (2016)
Refinement of the AMBER force field for nucleic acids: improving the description of alpha/gamma conformers., Pérez, Alberto, Marchán Ivan, Svozil Daniel, Sponer Jiri, Cheatham Thomas E., Laughton Charles A., and Orozco Modesto , Biophys J, 2007 Jun 1, Volume 92, p.3817-29, (2007)
Refinement of the AMBER force field for nucleic acids: improving the description of alpha/gamma conformers., Pérez, Alberto, Marchán Ivan, Svozil Daniel, Sponer Jiri, Cheatham Thomas E., Laughton Charles A., and Orozco Modesto , Biophys J, 2007 Jun 1, Volume 92, p.3817-29, (2007)
Rational design of novel N-alkyl-N capped biostable RNA nanostructures for efficient long-term inhibition of gene expression, Terrazas, Montserrat, Ivani Ivan, Villegas Núria, Paris Clément, Salvans Cándida, Brun-Heath Isabelle, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, 11/2016, Volume 44, p.4354-4367, (2016)
pyPcazip: A PCA-based toolkit for compression and analysis of molecular simulation data, Shkurti, Ardita, Goni Ramon, Andrio Pau, Breitmoser Elena, Bethune Iain, Orozco Modesto, and Laughton Charles A. , SoftwareX, 12/2016, Volume 5, p.44 - 50, (2016)
Proton Dynamics in Protein Mass Spectrometry, Li, Jinyu, Lyu Wenping, Rossetti Giulia, Konijnenberg Albert, Natalello Antonino, Ippoliti Emiliano, Orozco Modesto, Sobott Frank, Grandori Rita, and Carloni Paolo , The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 03/2017, Volume 8, Issue 6, p.1105 - 1112, (2017)
Protein Flexibility and Synergy of HMG Domains Underlie U-Turn Bending of DNA by TFAM in Solution, Rubio-Cosials, Anna, Battistini Federica, Gansen Alexander, Cuppari Anna, Bernadó Pau, Orozco Modesto, Langowski Jörg, Tóth Katalin, and Solà Maria , Biophysical Journal, 05/2018, Volume 114, p.2386 - 2396, (2018)
Principles for designing proteins with cavities formed by curved β sheets, Marcos, Enrique, Basanta Benjamin, Chidyausiku Tamuka M., Tang Yuefeng, Oberdorfer Gustav, Liu Gaohua, Swapna G V. T., Guan Rongjin, Silva Daniel-Adriano, Dou Jiayi, et al. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 01/2017, Volume 355, Issue 6321, p.201 - 206, (2017)
Principles for designing proteins with cavities formed by curved β sheets, Marcos, Enrique, Basanta Benjamin, Chidyausiku Tamuka M., Tang Yuefeng, Oberdorfer Gustav, Liu Gaohua, Swapna G V. T., Guan Rongjin, Silva Daniel-Adriano, Dou Jiayi, et al. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 01/2017, Volume 355, Issue 6321, p.201 - 206, (2017)
Principles for designing proteins with cavities formed by curved β sheets, Marcos, Enrique, Basanta Benjamin, Chidyausiku Tamuka M., Tang Yuefeng, Oberdorfer Gustav, Liu Gaohua, Swapna G V. T., Guan Rongjin, Silva Daniel-Adriano, Dou Jiayi, et al. , Science (New York, N.Y.), 01/2017, Volume 355, Issue 6321, p.201 - 206, (2017)
Prevalent Sequences in the Human Genome Can Form Mini i-Motif Structures at Physiological pH, Mir, Bartomeu, Serrano Israel, Buitrago Diana, Orozco Modesto, Escaja Núria, and González Carlos , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 11/2017, Volume 139, Issue 40, p.13985 - 13988, (2017)
Physical properties of naked DNA influence nucleosome positioning and correlate with transcription start and termination sites in yeast., Deniz, Ozgen, Flores Oscar, Battistini Federica, Pérez Alberto, Soler-López Montserrat, and Orozco Modesto , BMC Genomics, 2011, Volume 12, p.489, (2011)
pH-Dependent Capping Interactions Induce Large-Scale Structural Transitions in i-Motifs, Serrano-Chacón, Israel, Mir Bartomeu, Cupellini Lorenzo, Colizzi Francesco, Orozco Modesto, Escaja Núria, and González Carlos , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 02/2023, Volume 145, Issue 6, p.3696 - 3705, (2023)
Performance of the IEF-MST solvation continuum model in the SAMPL2 blind test prediction of hydration and tautomerization free energies., Soteras, Ignacio, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Comput Aided Mol Des, 2010 Apr, Volume 24, p.281-91, (2010)
Performance of the IEF-MST solvation continuum model in a blind test prediction of hydration free energies., Soteras, Ignacio, Forti Flavio, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Phys Chem B, 2009 Jul 9, Volume 113, p.9330-4, (2009)
PACSAB: Coarse-Grained Force Field for the Study of Protein-Protein Interactions and Conformational Sampling in Multiprotein Systems., Emperador, Agustí, Sfriso Pedro, Villarreal Marcos Ariel, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, and Orozco Modesto , J Chem Theory Comput, 2015 Dec 8, Volume 11, p.5929-38, (2015)
Nucleosome architecture throughout the cell cycle, Deniz, Ozgen, Flores Oscar, Aldea Martí, Soler-López Montserrat, and Orozco Modesto , Scientific Reports, 01/2016, Volume 6, p.19729 -, (2016)
Non-coding recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia., Puente, Xose S., Beà Sílvia, Valdés-Mas Rafael, Villamor Neus, Gutiérrez-Abril Jesús, Martín-Subero José I., Munar Marta, Rubio-Pérez Carlota, Jares Pedro, Aymerich Marta, et al. , Nature, 2015 Oct 22, Volume 526, p.519-24, (2015)
Non-coding recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia., Puente, Xose S., Beà Sílvia, Valdés-Mas Rafael, Villamor Neus, Gutiérrez-Abril Jesús, Martín-Subero José I., Munar Marta, Rubio-Pérez Carlota, Jares Pedro, Aymerich Marta, et al. , Nature, 2015 Oct 22, Volume 526, p.519-24, (2015)
Non-coding recurrent mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia., Puente, Xose S., Beà Sílvia, Valdés-Mas Rafael, Villamor Neus, Gutiérrez-Abril Jesús, Martín-Subero José I., Munar Marta, Rubio-Pérez Carlota, Jares Pedro, Aymerich Marta, et al. , Nature, 2015 Oct 22, Volume 526, p.519-24, (2015)
Nature of base stacking: reference quantum-chemical stacking energies in ten unique B-DNA base-pair steps., Sponer, Jiri, Jurecka Petr, Marchán Ivan, F Luque Javier, Orozco Modesto, and Hobza Pavel , Chemistry, 2006 Mar 20, Volume 12, p.2854-65, (2006)
A Native Ternary Complex Trapped in a Crystal Reveals the Catalytic Mechanism of a Retaining Glycosyltransferase., Albesa-Jové, David, Mendoza Fernanda, Rodrigo-Unzueta Ane, Gomollón-Bel Fernando, Cifuente Javier O., Urresti Saioa, Comino Natalia, Gómez Hansel, Romero-García Javier, Lluch José M., et al. , Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2015 Aug 17, Volume 54, p.9898-902, (2015)
Mutations in JMJD1C are involved in Rett syndrome and intellectual disability., Sáez, Mauricio A., Fernández-Rodríguez Juana, Moutinho Catia, Sanchez-Mut Jose V., Gomez Antonio, Vidal Enrique, Petazzi Paolo, Szczesna Karolina, Lopez-Serra Paula, Lucariello Mario, et al. , Genet Med, 2016 Apr, Volume 18, Issue 4, p.378-85, (2016)
Mutations in JMJD1C are involved in Rett syndrome and intellectual disability., Sáez, Mauricio A., Fernández-Rodríguez Juana, Moutinho Catia, Sanchez-Mut Jose V., Gomez Antonio, Vidal Enrique, Petazzi Paolo, Szczesna Karolina, Lopez-Serra Paula, Lucariello Mario, et al. , Genet Med, 2016 Apr, Volume 18, Issue 4, p.378-85, (2016)
Mutations in JMJD1C are involved in Rett syndrome and intellectual disability., Sáez, Mauricio A., Fernández-Rodríguez Juana, Moutinho Catia, Sanchez-Mut Jose V., Gomez Antonio, Vidal Enrique, Petazzi Paolo, Szczesna Karolina, Lopez-Serra Paula, Lucariello Mario, et al. , Genet Med, 2016 Apr, Volume 18, Issue 4, p.378-85, (2016)
A multifunctional toolkit for target-directed cancer therapy, Terrazas, Montserrat, Sanchez Dani, Battistini Federica, Villegas Núria, Brun-Heath Isabelle, and Orozco Modesto , Chemical Communications, 2019, Volume 55, Issue 6, p.802 - 805, (2019)
MST continuum study of the hydration free energies of monovalent ionic species., Curutchet, Carles, Bidon-Chanal Axel, Soteras Ignaci, Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Phys Chem B, 2005 Mar 3, Volume 109, p.3565-74, (2005)
Molecular stripping underpins derepression of a toxin–antitoxin system, Grabe, Grzegorz J., Giorgio Rachel T., Wieczór Miłosz, Gollan Bridget, Sargen Molly, Orozco Modesto, Hare Stephen A., and Helaine Sophie , Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2024/03/27, (2024)
Molecular dynamics study of 2rotaxanes: influence of solvation and cation on co-conformation., Fradera, Xavier, Márquez Manuel, Smith Bradley D., Orozco Modesto, and F Luque Javier , J Org Chem, 2003 Jun 13, Volume 68, p.4663-73, (2003)
Misincorporation of 2'-deoxyoxanosine into DNA: a molecular basis for NO-induced mutagenesis derived from theoretical calculations, Hernández, Begoña, Soliva Robert, F. Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 28, p.4873-4883, (2000)
Methods to Trace Conformational Transitions, Sfriso, Pedro, and Orozco Modesto , Simulating Enzyme Reactivity: Computational Methods in Enzyme Catalysis, p.215 - 244, (2017)
Mechanism of Structural Tuning of the Hepatitis C Virus Human Cellular Receptor CD81 Large Extracellular Loop, Cunha, Eva S., Sfriso Pedro, Rojas Adriana L., Hospital Adam, Orozco Modesto, and Abrescia Nicola G. A. , Structure, 01/2017, Volume 25, p.53-65, (2017)
Making Canonical Workflow Building Blocks Interoperable across Workflow Languages, Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Bayarri Genis, Andrio Pau, Long Robin, Lowe Douglas, Niewielska Ania, Hospital Adam, and Groth Paul , Data Intelligence, 2022, p.1 - 16, (2022)
Local aromaticity in natural nucleobases and their size-expanded benzo-fused derivatives., Huertas, Oscar, Poater Jordi, Fuentes-Cabrera Miguel, Orozco Modesto, Solà Miquel, and F Luque Javier , J Phys Chem A, 2006 Nov 9, Volume 110, p.12249-58, (2006)
Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes?, Ivanov, Igor, Shang Weifeng, Toledo Lea, Masgrau Laura, Svergun Dmitri I., Stehling Sabine, Gómez Hansel, Di Venere Almerinda, Mei Giampiero, Lluch José M., et al. , Proteins, 2012 Mar, Volume 80, p.703-12, (2012)
Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes?, Ivanov, Igor, Shang Weifeng, Toledo Lea, Masgrau Laura, Svergun Dmitri I., Stehling Sabine, Gómez Hansel, Di Venere Almerinda, Mei Giampiero, Lluch José M., et al. , Proteins, 2012 Mar, Volume 80, p.703-12, (2012)
Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes?, Ivanov, Igor, Shang Weifeng, Toledo Lea, Masgrau Laura, Svergun Dmitri I., Stehling Sabine, Gómez Hansel, Di Venere Almerinda, Mei Giampiero, Lluch José M., et al. , Proteins, 2012 Mar, Volume 80, p.703-12, (2012)
Ligand-induced formation of transient dimers of mammalian 12/15-lipoxygenase: a key to allosteric behavior of this class of enzymes?, Ivanov, Igor, Shang Weifeng, Toledo Lea, Masgrau Laura, Svergun Dmitri I., Stehling Sabine, Gómez Hansel, Di Venere Almerinda, Mei Giampiero, Lluch José M., et al. , Proteins, 2012 Mar, Volume 80, p.703-12, (2012)
Ligand-induced changes in the binding sites of proteins., Fradera, Xavier, de la Cruz Xavier, Silva Carlos H. T. P., Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Luque F J., and Orozco Modesto , Bioinformatics, 2002 Jul, Volume 18, p.939-48, (2002)
