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Structure, Stiffness and Substates of the Dickerson-Drew Dodecamer., Dršata, Tomáš, Pérez Alberto, Orozco Modesto, Morozov Alexandre V., Sponer Jiřĺ, and Lankaš Filip , J Chem Theory Comput, 2013, Volume 9, p.707-721, (2013)
Structure-based identification of new high-affinity nucleosome binding sequences., Battistini, Federica, Hunter Christopher A., Moore Irene K., and Widom Jonathan , J Mol Biol, 2012 Jun 29, Volume 420, p.8-16, (2012)
Subcellular localization of the interaction between the human immunodeficiency virus transactivator Tat and the nucleosome assembly protein 1, De Marco, Alex, Dans Pablo Daniel, Knezevich Anna, Maiuri Paolo, Pantano Sergio, and Marcello Alessandro , Amino acids, Volume 38, Number 5, p.1583–1593, (2010)
Subcellular localization of the interaction between the human immunodeficiency virus transactivator Tat and the nucleosome assembly protein 1, De Marco, Alex, Dans Pablo Daniel, Knezevich Anna, Maiuri Paolo, Pantano Sergio, and Marcello Alessandro , Amino acids, Volume 38, Number 5, p.1583–1593, (2010)
Substrate-assisted and nucleophilically assisted catalysis in bovine α1,3-galactosyltransferase. Mechanistic implications for retaining glycosyltransferases., Gómez, Hansel, Lluch José M., and Masgrau Laura , J Am Chem Soc, 2013 May 8, Volume 135, p.7053-63, (2013)
Switching reversibility to irreversibility in glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors: clues for specific design of new compounds, Perez, Daniel I., Palomo Valle, Pérez Concepción, Gil Carmen, Dans Pablo Daniel, F Luque Javier, Conde Santiago, and Martínez Ana , Journal of medicinal chemistry, Volume 54, Number 12, p.4042–4056, (2011)
Synthesis and Properties of 2'-Deoxy-2',4'-difluoroarabinose-Modified Nucleic Acids, Martínez-Montero, Saúl, Deleavey Glen F., Dierker-Viik Arden, Lindovska Petra, Ilina Tatiana, Portella Guillem, Orozco Modesto, Parniak Michael A., González Carlos, and Damha Masad J. , The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015/03/20, Volume 80, Issue 6, p.3083 - 3091, (2015)
Synthesis, structural analysis, and biological evaluation of thioxoquinazoline derivatives as phosphodiesterase 7 inhibitors., Castaño, Tania, Wang Huanchen, Campillo Nuria E., Ballester Sara, González-García Coral, Hernández Javier, Pérez Concepción, Cuenca Jimena, Pérez-Castillo Ana, Martínez Ana, et al. , ChemMedChem, 2009 May, Volume 4, p.866-76, (2009)
A systematic molecular dynamics study of nearest-neighbor effects on base pair and base pair step conformations and fluctuations in B-DNA., Lavery, Richard, Zakrzewska Krystyna, Beveridge David, Bishop Thomas C., Case David A., Cheatham Thomas, Dixit Surjit, Jayaram B, Lankaš Filip, Laughton Charles, et al. , Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Jan, Volume 38, p.299-313, (2010)
A systematic molecular dynamics study of nearest-neighbor effects on base pair and base pair step conformations and fluctuations in B-DNA., Lavery, Richard, Zakrzewska Krystyna, Beveridge David, Bishop Thomas C., Case David A., Cheatham Thomas, Dixit Surjit, Jayaram B, Lankaš Filip, Laughton Charles, et al. , Nucleic Acids Res, 2010 Jan, Volume 38, p.299-313, (2010)
Target flexibility: an emerging consideration in drug discovery and design., Cozzini, Pietro, Kellogg Glen E., Spyrakis Francesca, Abraham Donald J., Costantino Gabriele, Emerson Andrew, Fanelli Francesca, Gohlke Holger, Kuhn Leslie A., Morris Garrett M., et al. , J Med Chem, 2008 Oct 23, Volume 51, p.6237-55, (2008)
Targeting RNA structure in SMN2 reverses spinal muscular atrophy molecular phenotypes, Garcia-Lopez, Amparo, Tessaro Francesca, Jonker Hendrik R. A., Wacker Anna, Richter Christian, Comte Arnaud, Berntenis Nikolaos, Schmucki Roland, Hatje Klas, Petermann Olivier, et al. , Nature Communication, 2018/05/23, Volume 9, Issue 1, p.2032, (2018)
Theoretical study of anion binding to calix[4]pyrrole: the effects of solvent, fluorine substitution, cosolute, and water traces., J Blas, Ramón, Márquez Manuel, Sessler Jonathan L., F Luque Javier, and Orozco Modesto , J Am Chem Soc, 2002 Oct 30, Volume 124, p.12796-805, (2002)
Theoretical study of the truncated hemoglobin HbN: exploring the molecular basis of the NO detoxification mechanism., Crespo, Alejandro, Martí Marcelo A., Kalko Susana G., Morreale Antonio, Orozco Modesto, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, F Luque Javier, and Estrin Darío A. , J Am Chem Soc, 2005 Mar 30, Volume 127, p.4433-44, (2005)
Theoretical study of the truncated hemoglobin HbN: exploring the molecular basis of the NO detoxification mechanism., Crespo, Alejandro, Martí Marcelo A., Kalko Susana G., Morreale Antonio, Orozco Modesto, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, F Luque Javier, and Estrin Darío A. , J Am Chem Soc, 2005 Mar 30, Volume 127, p.4433-44, (2005)
Thienylhalomethylketones: Irreversible glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors as useful pharmacological tools., Perez, Daniel I., Conde Santiago, Pérez Concepción, Gil Carmen, Simon Diana, Wandosell Francisco, Moreno Francisco J., Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Luque Francisco J., and Martínez Ana , Bioorg Med Chem, 2009 Oct 1, Volume 17, p.6914-25, (2009)
Thienylhalomethylketones: Irreversible glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitors as useful pharmacological tools., Perez, Daniel I., Conde Santiago, Pérez Concepción, Gil Carmen, Simon Diana, Wandosell Francisco, Moreno Francisco J., Gelpí Josep-Lluis, Luque Francisco J., and Martínez Ana , Bioorg Med Chem, 2009 Oct 1, Volume 17, p.6914-25, (2009)
Unique tautomeric and recognition properties of thioketothymines?, Faustino, Ignacio, Aviñó Anna, Marchán Ivan, F Luque Javier, Eritja Ramon, and Orozco Modesto , J Am Chem Soc, 2009 Sep 9, Volume 131, p.12845-53, (2009)
Unravelling the hidden DNA structural/physical code provides novel insights on promoter location., Durán, Elisa, Djebali Sarah, González Santi, Flores Oscar, Mercader Josep Maria, Guigó Roderic, Torrents David, Soler-López Montserrat, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Res, 2013 Aug, Volume 41, p.7220-30, (2013)
Unveiling case-control relationships in designing a simple and powerful method for detecting gene-gene interactions., Canela-Xandri, Oriol, Julià Antonio, Gelpí Josep-Lluis, and Marsal Sara , Genet Epidemiol, 2012 Nov, Volume 36, p.710-6, (2012)
The use of conformationally rigid nucleoside probes to study the role of sugar pucker and nucleobase orientation in the thrombin binding aptamer., Saneyoshi, Hisao, Mazzini Stefania, Aviñó Anna, Portella Guillem, González Carlos, Orozco Modesto, Marquez Victor E., and Eritja Ramon , Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf), 2009, p.109-10, (2009)
The use of conformationally rigid nucleoside probes to study the role of sugar pucker and nucleobase orientation in the thrombin binding aptamer., Saneyoshi, Hisao, Mazzini Stefania, Aviñó Anna, Portella Guillem, González Carlos, Orozco Modesto, Marquez Victor E., and Eritja Ramon , Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf), 2009, p.109-10, (2009)
On the Use of low-resolution Data to Improve Structure Prediction of Proteins and Protein Complexes, D’Abramo, Marco, Meyer Tim, Bernadó Pau, Pons Carles, Recio Juan Fernánde, and Orozco Modesto , Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2009/11/10, Volume 5, Issue 11, p.3129 - 3137, (2009)
