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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is G and Author is J Ramon Goñi [Clear All Filters]
The Yottaflop Frontier of Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations,
, Theoretical and Quantum Chemistry at the Dawn of the 21st Century, p.597-616, (2018)
Molecular dynamics simulations: advances and applications.,
, Adv Appl Bioinform Chem, 2015, Volume 8, p.37-47, (2015)
SEABED: Small molEcule activity scanner weB servicE baseD.,
, Bioinformatics, 2015 Mar 1, Volume 31, p.773-5, (2015)
DNAlive: a tool for the physical analysis of DNA at the genomic scale.,
, Bioinformatics, 2008 Aug 1, Volume 24, p.1731-2, (2008)
Determining promoter location based on DNA structure first-principles calculations.,
, Genome Biol, 2007, Volume 8, p.R263, (2007)
Exploring the reasons for the large density of triplex-forming oligonucleotide target sequences in the human regulatory regions.,
, BMC Genomics, 2006, Volume 7, p.63, (2006)
Triplex-forming oligonucleotide target sequences in the human genome.,
, Nucleic Acids Res, 2004, Volume 32, p.354-60, (2004)