Found 7 results
Author Title [ Year] Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is B and Author is Buitrago, Diana [Clear All Filters]
Histone H3 serine-57 is a CHK1 substrate whose phosphorylation affects DNA repair,
, Nature Communications, 08/2023, Volume 14, Issue 1, p.5104, (2023)
MiOS, an integrated imaging and computational strategy to model gene folding with nucleosome resolution,
, Nat Struct Mol Biol , 10/2022, Volume in press, (2022)
Impact of DNA methylation on 3D genome structure,
, Nature Communications, 05/2021, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.3243, (2021)
How B-DNA Dynamics Decipher Sequence-Selective Protein Recognition,
, Journal of Molecular Biology, 07/2019, (2019)
Modulation of the helical properties of DNA: next-to-nearest neighbour effects and beyond,
, 01/2019, (2019)
Nucleosome Dynamics: a new tool for the dynamic analysis of nucleosome positioning,
, Nucleic Acids Research, 08/2019, (2019)
Prevalent Sequences in the Human Genome Can Form Mini i-Motif Structures at Physiological pH,
, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 11/2017, Volume 139, Issue 40, p.13985 - 13988, (2017)