
Found 29 results
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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is G and Author is González, Carlos  [Clear All Filters]
How accurate are accurate force-fields for B-DNA?, Dans, Pablo D., Ivani Ivan, Hospital Adam, Portella Guillem, González Carlos, and Orozco Modesto , Nucleic Acids Research, 01/2017, Volume 45, Issue 7, p.4217-4230, (2017)
Prevalent Sequences in the Human Genome Can Form Mini i-Motif Structures at Physiological pH, Mir, Bartomeu, Serrano Israel, Buitrago Diana, Orozco Modesto, Escaja Núria, and González Carlos , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 11/2017, Volume 139, Issue 40, p.13985 - 13988, (2017)